My best friend, Molly, came into town yesterday to meet her god-son. =) she's so sweet with him. it's really fun to have her here. she's so natural with him. molly is like a sister to me. she's family and i'm so lucky to have her in my life. and now in deige's life. i'll post some beautiful pictures of them soon. have to find time to upload the photos. =) anyway, she leaves tomorrow and it will be sad to see her go. we miss here. she used to live here in california, but moved home to colorado after college. it's okay, though. we are going to make sure we visit her as often as we can. molly is such an important part of this family. i'll make sure to write more later.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Godmother Molly in town
Posted by Mom to Be
2:48 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
mamas and munchkins diaper bag
okay, so today the mail man came and i was so excited! a) because i got the door BEFORE the dog barked. so the baby didn't wake up. =) and b) because he brought me the best gift in the world! =) sent me the most beautiful leather brown diaper bag and i'm obsessed with it! it's super stylish and sassy. i'll feel cute in public with a bag like that. it's not at all cheezy like a lot of diaper bags are. so...for any of you looking for a great bag...check this site out! their products are top of the line! i also enjoy their post its for babysitters. they give information numbers and stuff like that on them. super cute. and super useful. it may take me a while to let a babysitter watch my little one. but when i'm ready, the post its will definitely come in handy! anyway, thank you so so so so much, mamas and munchkins! i love the beautiful diaper bag! it's perfect!
Posted by Mom to Be
3:38 PM
the dirty flu
so...on tues morning, around 3am, micah and i woke up super sick to our tummies. not fun. at 1st we thought it was just food poisoning. but then the throw ups and the aches and pains came along. it was really hard to handle while taking care of deige. i took deige to the dr that morning cuz i was paranoid he would get sick. and paranoid that my milk wouldnt be the best since i couldnt eat or drink. but, she assured me that deige would be fine cuz he gets all of my antibodies from my milk. she said, "not to be mean, but you dont matter any more to mother nature. all of your nutrients and antibodies go to deige. especially when youre sick." she said that because of that, it may take me longer to get better. which, was true. by 3pm, micah was feeling much better. and i was still throwing up everything. including water. i was so dehydrated. it was so hard to nurse when my body was running on empty. 7pm rolled around and i lost it. i thought i was going to lose my mind. literally felt like i was having a nervous breakdown. i was nursing and sick to my tummy and keeping nothing in my body. my milk was getting thicker and deige wasn't satisfied. so i constantly had him on my breast. poor guy. it broke my heart. 730 came and i called micah's mom. she took me to the er. we waited there from 8-1130. when we got there, we were one of 2 people in the er. by the time 1130 rolled around, we were in a packed waiting room. everyone kept getting seen before me because their emergencies were worse than mine. although, at the time, i didn't agree that was the case. but it was. there were people in there with chest pains, open wounds, everything. i thought mine was a bigger emergency only because i was trying to feed another human being with my run down body. deige nursed once in the er and fell asleep. thank God. he slept the whole time. by 1130 i was so tired of waiting my turn. already miserable, i decided to just be miserable at home. so karen took us home. micah, karen, deige and i snuggled up in the living room for a lot of the night. we all had blankets and water and watched LA Ink. water finally stayed down. i think the last time i threw up was around midnight. it was a long haul. from 3am to my body is still recovering. micah's is too. and deige is happy to have his milk back to normal.
i think the neatest thing through all of this is that Deige was protected from my sickness by drinking milk from my body. it's neat that i can protect him even when i'm not protected myself. i love the bond between mother and baby. we are so dependent on eachother, it's crazy. my body made his body. him nursing me, helped heal my body. and him nursing allows me to keep his body healthy. really neat how that works out. anyway, i'm rambling. so, the flu sucked. make sure you all get flu shots this year! its worth it!
Posted by Mom to Be
11:47 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
daddy and deige
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Posted by Mom to Be
11:40 AM
dietary cuts....bummer!
big bummer for mommy, good thing for deigey! little man's tummy is ultra sensitive and i've had to cut nearly everything out of my diet. i cut out dairy, turkey, caffeine, sweets, everything! i was basically eating plain chicken and a few veggies here and there. drinking TONS of water! =) but, anyway, i've slowly added things to figure out what he's sensitive to. i think i've narrowed it down. he is sensitive to apple juice, caffeine, (which, duh, i shouldn't have that anyway...although i feel like it's my saving grace after a long night), turkey, and dairy. little man didn't like turkey when i was pregnant, and he still doesn't like it now. =) how funny. his tummy is ultra sensi. it's fun learning him. i have fun learning new things about him every day. he's so sweet. his personality is super sweet. he loves to cuddle and be close. he's learned what kisses are. and he'll put is face on my lips when i'm holding him if he wants more kisses. super sweet. i love it. and sometimes he'll even smile when i kiss his face off! =) micah shaved his facial hair today for deige's sake. i think he'll like his daddy's soft skin better than the pokey hair. =) i like micah with a shaved face too. i think it makes him look so handsome. anyway, today we gave him his first bath. we couldn't give him a real bath before now because of the belly button healing and also his circumcision. everything is healed now, so we took a bath! yay! it was so fun! micah and i video taped it and took pictures. so fun. he's so funny cause he screamed bloody murder during the bath, but smiled so big when we took him out. he felt so yummy and clean. he loved lounging in his robe and he loved having me massage lotion into his little skin. he smells so pretty! and now that his hair is washed, it looks even more blonde! it's fun to see his features changing before our very eyes. he looks different every day. so fun. baby is the love of our lives. we are so blessed.
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Posted by Mom to Be
11:29 AM
getting it down...
we're starting to get it down...this whole parenting thing. =) we're learning to get into more of a routine. we're learning deige and he is learning us. it's fun. but really tiring. we took deige to see my dear friend rachael yesterday. her parents were thrilled to see him as well. and it got me out of the house for a few hours. micah and i really had fun over there. good friends are hard to come by. it was nice cause they didn't make me feel pressured at all to bring him over, or to see him. even though rachael was only in town for a few days. they are just genuinely good fun people to be around and i felt comfortable bringing my 2 week old baby over to see them. i'm still being protective mommy, though, when it comes to people coming over to our home. i'm still ultra protective around kids especially. he hasn't had any vaccinations yet and the dr. advised me to limit visitors and especially kid visitors. she said that it's especially important because it's back to school time and kids are full of germs and the flu virus is potentially fatal to a little 2 week boy. so, she said any one who comes around him needs to have the flu vaccine. i'm all about that. i get it every year any way.
Posted by Mom to Be
10:50 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
1st time in swing
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Posted by Mom to Be
9:37 AM
one week old
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Posted by Mom to Be
9:35 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
very tired, very happy
it's weird being a new mommy. you're so tired, but it's strange cause you just don't care to sleep cause you're so happy to have a little one. i'm definitely running on exhaustion, but i know it will only get better from here. deige has been having fits late at night. they last about 3 hours. it's definitely his fussy time. last night, though, he did well. started his fit early and we were all in bed by 12. deige and i slept about 6 hours last night in between feedings and diaper changes. so, that was the most we've slept in the last week. very exciting.
i'm still really trying hard to heal my body. it's been rough. i have these horrible leg pains on the top of my legs from my hips to my knees. it's a tingling sensation that feels much like the tingle of the epidural. and when the tingling stops, i get surges of hot blood running down my legs and it makes me cry. it's horrible. i went to the dr yesterday to check it out and she said i have nerve damage from holding my legs so hard during labor. she said it's normal for some women. and to let it take it's course. she also thought i was anemic because my head was feeling dizzy when i would have leg pains. and i would almost black out because of it. but, i took a blood test, and i'm fine. just a weird coincidence that the head aches, blackouts, and dizziness is all at the same time as my tingling legs. anyway, hoping it gets better every day.
i still feel really icky and haven't wanted any men around because of it. i've felt bad because i haven't wanted the two grandpas around because of the icky way i feel. and its hard to have friends over for the same reason. i don't know if other moms have felt this way or not, but i really only want women around me. for a while, my husband even drove me nuts to be around. i wasn't the nicest to him in the hospital. but, we're learning to help eachother become parents and from that, we've fallen in love all over again. so, that's a good thing. but, my raging hormones, my aching body, and all my leaking going on in the boob department has really made me not want men around at all. my dad, bless his heart, has been so understanding. he flew here from colorado and really doesn't make me feel guilty about not wanting men around. he leaves tomorrow, so i'm sure he'll spend some time with deige today. anyway, the baby is crying...i have to go feed. i'll spend more time writing later.
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Posted by Mom to Be
11:44 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
a proud daddy
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Posted by Mom to Be
12:00 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm a mommy!!!!
yay! i'm a mommy! it finally deige came into our world on september 11, 2007 @4:55am. i had a 9 hour labor, but pushed for 45. they tried to stop my contractions because they were so big and one on top of the other. it was very painful, had two epidurals...still felt the birth! =( so, it wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world, either. i'm so much in love with my son. i would have labored for 9 months, and been pregnant a day if that was what it took. he is perfect and i'm so thankful that he is healthy and strong. he weighed 7 punds 12 ounces. he is nineteen inches long. and he has blonde hair and blue eyes at the moment. he looks exactly like micah's baby pictures. =) super sweet. he is a biscuit. we LOVE this little man! i'll write more later. still recovering...i'm very tired.
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Posted by Mom to Be
12:35 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
love it, but i'm over it...
i feel like it's been forever since we were first pregnant. looking back, i've enjoyed every stage of this pregnancy. being sick was really hard. but it was so neat to see how my body changed and reacted to housing another human being. i have grown so close to little deige. i'm sure every mommy feels that way while they are prego. it's a very special time because it's just me and the baby all the time. i don't have to share him with anyone if i don't want to. i can keep it my little secret when i feel him moving around. he knows my every move and i know his. it's very neat. i love him so much and can't wait to share him with family and friends. this journey has been fun, but i'm ready for the pregnancy journey to end...and the parenting journey to begin. i'm at the most uncomfortable stage EVER in pregnancy. i said today that i would way rather experience the first few months of morning sickness all over again in exchange for the discomfort i know face. my body is tired and my belly is like a rock. it is constantly in my way and because it's so giant and hard, i can barely bend over any more. =( i feel like a loser. micah and anna have been doing everything for me. thank heaven i have a wonderful hubby and a sensational baby sister to help me out. anyway, stay tuned cause i feel like this baby is going to just pop out of me any day. let's hope that's how it happens...really fast and easy =) my contractions have worsened. but they are still irregular with timing. sometimes i will have a contraction every 5 min for an hour. and then the next hour i'll only have 2. it's odd. i'm going to be so excited for the day they come and don't stop coming every 5 min or so...i'm really excited for the next part of this journey. will do my best to keep all of you posted.
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Posted by Mom to Be
8:15 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
AWESOME Service at!
I just came across this service... how cool is this?!! Check it out... The Baby Coordinator is an event planning company for expectant parents. Their services range from designing baby's nursery; organizing the wardrobe; personalizing jewelry, silverware; tailer making layettes, christening robes, bath accessories; customizing baby's stationery; assistance prep for the hospital, registering for the shower. Expectant parents receive privacy, comfort & convenience as they consult with them at home, work or electronically.
Posted by Mom to Be
10:48 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Cute Onesies at!
Check out these adorable t-shirts by! They've been making quality t-shirts in the USA for more then 2 years ... they just added onesies. They have the softest and best quality fabric! See the onesies at
Posted by Mom to Be
4:26 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
dr visit and cute site:!
so the dr visit went well. i love love my dr. she's amazing. i told micah that i'll be super sad if she isn't the one to deliver deige. there is always that chance that she won't be able to. like, she doesn't work on weds. and she doesn't do weekends. she said there is an on call dr for weekends. bummer! i LOVE her. so, let's hope this baby comes on like a thursday or monday. =)
anyway, she guessed today that he weighs around 6 pounds. she felt my tummy and said, "he's a small little fella". =) music to my ears! =)
anyway, i am 60 percent effaced. she said that doesn't mean anything other than my cervix is softening. she said it can mean i'll go into labor within the next 2-4 weeks. sometimes sooner. she said it's really just a guessing game at this point. each body is different. each pregnancy is different. and first times moms are ALWAYS hard to predict as far as labor goes.
________________________I love the site:!They carry all kinds of great healthy, organic products for pregnancy, baby and toddlers. Check out the fun organic lines as well as the awesome ergo carrier! Such cute stuff.
i am doing everything i can to induce labor on my own. i know some people may frown upon this, but that's okay. i'm not doing anything dangerous. =) i told the dr that i was trying everything and she said, "go for it, but i'm telling you...nothing really works." =( oh's worth a try. and it keeps my mind occupied. it's kinda fun coming up with new remedies. today we walked and i had a really bad contraction. too bad there wasn't another one that followed. =) i've tried rasberries, spicy food, baths, ice cream, EVERYTHING! a lot of people say nipple stimulation works. but that creeps me out. i guess you're supposed to put a warm towel over your breasts for 5 minutes and wait 15 min to see if anything happens. if it doesn't, you can massage them for 5 minutes and wait another 15 to see if labor starts. this sounds so weird to me. i'm not sure i'll try it. but you never know how desperate i'll become...i really REALLY want this baby to come soon! my body is so exhausted. and i can't wait to meet him! =) anyway, that's all for now. if any of you know more remedies, send them my way! =)
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Posted by Mom to Be
8:47 PM
Awesome products on
Saw these awesome products on Perfect for when baby deige comes!!
mundo baby oil with calendula
This calendula-infused blend of rich olive and jojoba oils will leave skin soft and silky.
mundo calendula chamomile baby balm (Buy 1, Get Baby Oil with Calendula FREE!)
Safeguards and heals delicate skin with all-natural, soothing balm with chamomile flowers, calendula petals and comfrey root. These herbs alleviate irritated skin, diaper rash, & dry skin patches.
Posted by Mom to Be
8:45 PM
12 days til due date
so we're 12 days til our due date and i'm overly ready to have this baby! i don't mean it selfishly, but i'm ready to have him so i can have my own body back. it's tiring carrying a little one all these months. i'm not sleeping any more either. plus, still trying to work until this saturday has made it really tiring! the good thing is that he's healthy, he's active, he's safe. i'm going to the dr this morning for a check up. i've been having contractions every night...which makes for sleepless and stressful nights. she's going to check everything out and make sure we're still doing well! =) i would love it if she said, "oh, you have to go to the hospital right now and have this baby"...haha, i know she won't. but, i would love it if that happened. we're soooo sooo anxious to meet little deige face to face. i can't wait to see what the little man looks like =)
oh, remind me to tell you all what i got for micah at the hospital. i bought him a secret surprise to help him celebrate when his little one is born. =) going to the dr. will tell more later.
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Posted by Mom to Be
8:42 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Adorable clothes for deige at!!
Edens Bouquet has the most adorable clothes. They are very couture... "a French word that is used to denote original styles of the highest quality tailoring & made of expensive fabrics." Check out all their super cute things at!
I especially liked the Orville Silk Tweed Coat and the Chester Silk Tweed Cap!
Posted by Mom to Be
4:35 PM